


Hello, this is my first experience with tileable textures, I made with photoshop, some light effect. This is good for type, and mockup background, you can use it free for work, if you like to download as a pack please like us. Thx, Szabolcs

Hello there texture lovers, I would like to share with you my next new high quality texture set “Freedom and love – Szabadság Szerelem”…

I was made some exprerience nowadays with a bottle  some water, some ink. I realized what an amazed structures outlinded from that. Like an organism from outer space. Absolutely not an earthly being, but lovely colorful, and airy. I have seen today the Prometheus trailler (I think I will see it), and this ink pack remind me somehow that. Please if you like and use it follow our facebook club, or twitter. You can use it as…

Download White grunge texture with red number free for photoshop, free for work download. Please share and follow us. Download: Filesize – Downloaded times

Download grunge texture with red color, and some white cracked paper. Free for work download. Please share and follow us. Download: Filesize – Downloaded times

Download grunge wall texture with red yellow and black color, free for work download. Please share and like us. Download: Filesize – Downloaded times

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