


This is my set of the 10 Mossy Concrete Texture, great if you make designs, for example mossy sidewalk. I made it with my DSLR (21Megapixel sizes). The license is creativecommons. So please if you like quality free textures, please follow the Of course these textures are also creativecommons license too. All the best:)

Dear texture lovers, here is my 17 Wall texture set for PS, with nice colored, cracked walls. Great inspiration for your creative design work. I hope u find here the best one. Please follow, and like. The textures 12 megapixel sizes with creativecommons license.

Hello texture lovers, here is my morning set. I take a 10 minutes walk to my workoffice, so I decided to make some textures in the walk. This is is my asphalt and ground texture set with great sunlights. The textures are creativecommons licensed, and 12 megapixel size. Please use it, share it.


Hello, 51 concrete texture texture cracked grey concrete, and concrete wall texture, all of them 12megapixel sizes and free for…

I have given a facebook message from Alexandre who is living in Belgium, and gave us these amazing textures for the license as the textures. Alexandre have a great blog the Alexandre please say something about yourself: “I am a perfectionist and spend about 10 minutes per texture to improve them in post-production. 10 textures x 10 minutes, it’s been almost two hours already. But when you love what you do…” So please like…


Hello 6 rusty stone texture:  this is concrete sleeper closeup for train tracks, good start point for tileable textures, or…

Hello, my wife made some picture for you, she helped me to make some stuff. You can download high quality all of them, zipped. Only thing… one tiny-miny facebook like for 25 Premium Grunge texture. What do you think?:) Download: Filesize –

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